Bharat’s Classroom.


Impact of STEM Education on Girls; Challenges Faced by Them

A. STEM education plays a crucial role in shaping the future, especially for girls. Let’s explore its impact: 1. Narrowing the Gender Gap: o By providing equal opportunities for girls to pursue STEM careers, we bridge the gender pay gap and enhance their economic...

STEM Education; It’s importance, Pros and Cons

STEM education stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Let’s delve into its significance, advantages, and drawbacks: A. What Is STEM Education? STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach that integrates science, technology, engineering, and...

Value of Building Positive Relationship with Students.

Building strong relationships with students is critical for fostering and gaining advantageous and supportive knowledge of surroundings. When students sense value, understand, and feel revered by their instructors, they are much more likely to interact. Then they...

What Are Clubs & Extracurricular Activities in Schools?

Co-Curricular or Extracurricular Activities: School activities can be bifurcated into two different entities. They are academic and extracurricular activities. Academics relate to studying languages, arts, sciences, and other subjects to gain mental knowledge and...

Hello! I’m Bharat Sharan. Get In Touch Anytime!

(235) 342-1363